Monday, 21 November 2011

My role this week...

Today and for the rest of this week I plan to gather equiptment to be used for the surgeon's tools. To make them look realistic, I'll use some of my Dad's car tools and they can pass as surgery tools also. We plan on the tool/shrine scenes being the next scenes we film so this is/will be a productive use of time!

Friday, 11 November 2011

My role this week...

This week we started filming!! Tibyaan and I attempted to film the tap scene, which would appear at the start of the teaser. Naturally, we experienced some difficulties. This was because we had to film inside a bin chamber to access the tap and because of the huge size of the bins, space was limited. Another problem we had was lighting. Because we went during the daytime, there was too much natural light that was being picked up by the camera and we thought this would look unauthentic. We tried to overcome this problem by using many items such as our coats and an umbrella to cover the excess light but they failed to make any difference.

So intead, we started to make the shrine of perfection that will be used later on in the teaser by cutting out images and text from newspapers and magazines as it was still a productive use of our time.

We plan to have our actors, costume and lighting ready by next week so we can start shooting and use the appropriate material we have to begin devising out teaser.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Trailer Music - a new opportunity

Today I spoke to my friend Jamila who is a Music Tech student. She's doing the Extended Project (EPQ) which is centred around music in trailers. I told her about mine and Tib's trailer idea and she was interested in making the music for it as it would help both parties and she could use it for her project also.
Before this had happened Tibs and I were thinking of using free music from a website such as Jamendo and examples of the kind of music we would've gone for can be seen in an older post using 3 free music tracks from Soundcloud.
It is still early days as Tibs and I would have to give Jamila a near finished/completely finished version of our trailer before she can start composing. But we plan to keep her updated on the progress as we go along so she can have ideas for the music.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

My role last week...

It was half term from the 24th - 31st of October. In this time, I went to the cinema to see Paranormal Activity 3. I went to see it because it was a productive use of my free because it was a horror film and after we'd seen in it, my filming partner and I did a video diary in response to film.

During this week, Tibyaan and I also did another video entry in which we went to another of our filming locations (the canal) and walked around with the camera to show whereabouts we'd be filming.

The videos will be uploaded soon...