Sunday, 25 December 2011

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Practice Filming at Kensington Palace

I went to Kensington Palace on a school media trip in which we did some practice shooting. We were given a theme of 'Transformation' and had to take appropriate shots in relation to this. The trip was beneficial as it enhanced my experience of filming and I also learned new techniques to do with angles, lighting and movement which will help me when filming for my horror teaser.

Below is a short montage of the shots we took:

Monday, 12 December 2011

This week,,,

Tibyaan and I made a list of all the shots that need to be filmed. We then matched them with the actors and locations that are associated with each shot to know who was needed and where they would be needed.
Using colour coding, we chunked the shots together which involved the same actors into the same colour category and then tried to sort them out and decide which shots to film first according to approximate length of time it would take to film and logical location order.
Finally, we came up with 3 main colours which translated to be days in which all shots could be filmed, dependent on efficiency and time.

Thursday, 1 December 2011


Today, I went to my partner Tibyaan's house to film the shrine, the tap scene and the tools. Having filmed before, we became a lot more aware of our use of technique, including lighting and camera movements.

After making the finishing touches, we filmed the shrine from different angles and of different lighting intensities. We, too, practised panning, zooming and tracking.

We collected tools from both our homes to use as the Surgeon's tools. We put them all in a tray and filmed them a few times, each with a different shade of lighting.

This was the most difficult task. Having reflected from the trouble we had from our last filming experience, we, this time, waited until it was dark enough outside. We also used the artificial lighting, which helped.


We're filming!

(we're going to re-try filming the tap scene and the tools and shooting the shrine)

Monday, 21 November 2011

My role this week...

Today and for the rest of this week I plan to gather equiptment to be used for the surgeon's tools. To make them look realistic, I'll use some of my Dad's car tools and they can pass as surgery tools also. We plan on the tool/shrine scenes being the next scenes we film so this is/will be a productive use of time!

Friday, 11 November 2011

My role this week...

This week we started filming!! Tibyaan and I attempted to film the tap scene, which would appear at the start of the teaser. Naturally, we experienced some difficulties. This was because we had to film inside a bin chamber to access the tap and because of the huge size of the bins, space was limited. Another problem we had was lighting. Because we went during the daytime, there was too much natural light that was being picked up by the camera and we thought this would look unauthentic. We tried to overcome this problem by using many items such as our coats and an umbrella to cover the excess light but they failed to make any difference.

So intead, we started to make the shrine of perfection that will be used later on in the teaser by cutting out images and text from newspapers and magazines as it was still a productive use of our time.

We plan to have our actors, costume and lighting ready by next week so we can start shooting and use the appropriate material we have to begin devising out teaser.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Trailer Music - a new opportunity

Today I spoke to my friend Jamila who is a Music Tech student. She's doing the Extended Project (EPQ) which is centred around music in trailers. I told her about mine and Tib's trailer idea and she was interested in making the music for it as it would help both parties and she could use it for her project also.
Before this had happened Tibs and I were thinking of using free music from a website such as Jamendo and examples of the kind of music we would've gone for can be seen in an older post using 3 free music tracks from Soundcloud.
It is still early days as Tibs and I would have to give Jamila a near finished/completely finished version of our trailer before she can start composing. But we plan to keep her updated on the progress as we go along so she can have ideas for the music.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

My role last week...

It was half term from the 24th - 31st of October. In this time, I went to the cinema to see Paranormal Activity 3. I went to see it because it was a productive use of my free because it was a horror film and after we'd seen in it, my filming partner and I did a video diary in response to film.

During this week, Tibyaan and I also did another video entry in which we went to another of our filming locations (the canal) and walked around with the camera to show whereabouts we'd be filming.

The videos will be uploaded soon...

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

An example of the type of music that could be seen within our teaser...

Horror Music by kallejo-music

This, in my opinion, is the best track that would fit our teaser. The fast paced piano keys that are playing at the start increase the tempo of the overall teaser and imply that something will happen. It generally fits in with the shots that will be in the teaser and will have a profound effect on the audience when embedded with the teaser.

An example of the type of music that could be seen within our teaser...

Horror Music by gangstersnick

This is another track that I liked the sound of as I believe it portrayed the horror genre extremely well. The use of the voice sounds extremely eerie and could bhe argued is the voice of a child. This 'scary lullaby' sound track is often a conventional feature in horror movies in genereal and especially in film teasers and trailers. I think it's very effective and could be used as inspiration for the music in our teaser.
This track also reminds me of the music heard in Woman In Black as it has sounds of string instuments that are often heard in kids' toys.

An example of the type of music that could be seen within our teaser...

Horror music by AmyAlexander

This is an example of the type of music that could be used within our teaser. Because it's quite low and subtle, I imagine it could be used at the start when introducing the teaser, when there are slow cuts before the climax to build suspense.

Friday, 14 October 2011

My role this week...

Today, my partner Tibyaan and I did the extended storyboard which will be turned into an animatic. We did this by referring to our teaser plan and then drew images of the shots we will be using in our teaser. In total, there are 40 shots that we've drawn together. We will then cut each shot out and scan them in and then use Movie Maker to turn them into an animatic.

Also, I have analysed the website for the film 'Abduction' and this will be put on my blog when I have completed my second analysis.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Planning and Research presentation video

This is the video of the powerpoint of planning and research which I presented to my classmates and teacher. My partner Tibyann will present the other half of the presentation and I will help her do this.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Planning and Research Powerpoint

This is the planning and research powerpoint that I presented today and was filmed doing so.

My role this week...

Today I was filmed whilst presenting the planning and research powerpoint. From the start of this week, until today (Wednesday) I have been putting the slides together as they were made on separate powerpoints for each question and also made the finishing touches to the powerpoint that I would be presenting alone - due to my partner Tibyaan being away on DofE.

The powerpoint that I put together from the separate powerpoints Tibyaan helped make can be seen in the next above post ^.

When Tibyaan returns, she will present the other half of the planning and research powerpoint and I too, will be present during the presentation to make additional points from the feedback I have gained and to also help her present the information on target research as it's quite a lengthy question that we developed a long answer to.

Just to clarify, this is what I covered in my presentation:
Genre Convention
Locations & Props

When Tibyaan returns, this is what she'll present:
Teaser Plan
Rough storyboard
Key Questions
Actors & Costumes
TARGET AUDIENCE RESEARCH - I will be present when Tibyaan is being filmed so we will both present this area as it's quite long.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Actors and Costumes

Locations and Props

Key Questions we want to invoke...

1. Who is the girl tied to the chair? Where is she? Why is she there?
2. Why is she bruised? Why does she have red marks on her?
3. Who is the man dragging the scalpel?
4. Why are there pictures of girls on the wall?
5. Is he crazy?
6. Who was that being dragged?
7. Why is dragging her?
8. Why are they hurting that girl?
9. What is the man about to do?
10. Who is that girl laying on the table?
11. Who is that girl crawling on the floor?
12. What is the stuff coming out of her mouth? Why is it there?
13. Who is the guy shutting the door?
14. Who is that girl?
15. What have they been doing?
16. Why does the girl look drugged?
17. Who is that man walking in front of her?
18. What is that ritual that man is doing?
19. Is he crazy?
20. Who is in that trolley-like thing?
21. Why is the girl being dragged?
22. Who is dragging her?
23. Why was the girl in a room?
24. Why are there red marks on her body?
25. What is she going to do with the dagger?
26. Why is the girl forced to look at herself in the mirror?
27. Who is forcing her?
28. Who is that girl that the man is washing her blood away?


Rough Teaser Plan

Main Shot List

First Draft Synopsis

Years of studying and playing by the rules, all to be betrayed by the art he loves so dearly. But now, the rule book has been thrown out the window.
In this spine-tingling torture horror we see the failed plastic surgeon Osman (‘The Copycat’) stalk, kidnap and hold hostage Chloe (‘Dolls’), an aspiring actress to perform the unspeakable.
Directed by Debbyaan Onyenassir this urgent, intensely moving and gripping story shapes the human fantasy of a demented surgeon.
Your imperfections are his opportunities.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Planning and Research for our filming locations....

Today my filming partner (Tibyaan) and I made a list of locations we could possibly go to film for our teaser. After making this list, we went to visit one location in particular and took some pictures. The reason why we took pictures was to record that'd we'd actually been there and to also see if it looked as good on camera, as it did in real life as this is how it would appear in our teaser and shown to our audience.

Therefore, the role I played today was contributing to location ideas in the list we made and going along to visit some locations. 3 examples of the pictures we took can be seen below in this post as the rest will be shown in our planning and research presentation.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Paranormal Activity 2 Poster Analysis

I decided to chose to analyse this film because having seen it myself, I believed it grasped the supernatural horror genre perfectly and in an unconventional way. For example, the whole film is recorded from cameras placed around the house and this breaks major film conventions as they're usually recorded by professional cameras and camera crews. However, this made the film lack in no way as it still had a same effect as a usual horror would as it made people (including me) jump whilst watching it.


Today I had a meeting with my filming partner Tibyaan. Together we delegated the tasks each of us had to carry out for the planning and research parts of our project. The tasks each of us had to do are below:

Key question we're trying to invoke: Debbie
Moodboard: Tibyaan
Genre Coventions: Debbie
Actors/Locations/Costume/Props: Tibyaan

Target audience and Research: Joint task to be carried out together
A rough storyboard: Joint task to be carried out together
Teaser Plan: Joint task to be carried out together
Synposis: Joint task to be carried out together

We decided to do these last four tasks as a pair as both inputs would create a greater result than just one person doing it. Also, these tasks require more time and with both of us doing it together, they'd be done quicker and to a higher standard.

Woman In Black Trailer Analysis

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Trailer Analysis

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Teaser Analysis

Woman In Black Teaser Analysis